Everyday Empowered Living Tips

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Here it is, January 2018. A new cycle begins. New Year’s Resolutions are running rampant as you look forward into the future. How do you feel? Where do you ‘see’ yourself? Where do you want to steer yourself? What achievements are ‘in the works’? What has not been working for you? How do you intend to live a more vibrant, full-on, and healthy life?

I offer you three Everyday Empowered Living Tips to keep you mindfully on track, in health and sound of body, mind and spirit.

Redistribute your weight when you feel like a pushover. 

Have you ever noticed that when you are feeling off balance, possibly like others are taking advantage of you, you are literally being ‘a pushover’? Try this. Notice if you habitually stand with your weight shifted to one side, with your ‘secondary’ leg and hip taking ‘a free ride’ so to speak. If I were to poke a finger at you would you be off balance and easily topple over? There is a simple and easy remedy to change how you are feeling and thus affect your state of mind and body.

Stand squarely on your two feet, equally distributing your body weight. It may feel awkward, at first. But, with practice and perseverance in shifting your stance with awareness, you will inevitably, be more balanced ‘inside’ and ‘outside’. You will be better able to stand your ground and be an influencer.

Remind yourself to breathe easy…gently ‘let go’ into the flow. 

When you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed and ‘under the gun’ so to speak, you naturally hold your breath as a defense mechanism. A ‘fight or flight’, hard-wired response is to hold your breath.   Have you ever been stuck in traffic or on a deadline and noticed you are holding your breath?  Perfectly natural. However, what makes that a problem is when you do not ‘let go’ of that holding pattern, and live in a perpetual state of high alert, chronic tension and resistance. Holding your breath puts you in ‘frozen’ mode. When you realize that form of resistance is futile – especially when it becomes habitual, you can make a positive change in order to feel more expansive and open to finding solutions and dealing with issues.

I recommend you hold your hand lightly over your sternum (‘chest bone’) and think to yourself the word “SOFT”. Since your brain is designed to be busy, you are giving it a break, a pre-determined ‘thought’ which frees your easy, natural pattern of rejuvenating breathing to naturally kick in. Try this. The more often you do, your breathing pattern will ease up more readily and the ‘all is well in this moment’ mentality becomes reality.

Change the texture and tone of a moment with a smile. 

Smiling is a physical action; one which literally transforms your experience. If you are feeling worried or pre-occupied it is a tried and true remedy for shifting your consciousness.  Take away the frown and add to those smile lines on your face. You will be glad you did. Physiologically you cannot be holding a smile without uplifting your spirit to match your physicality.

I suggest you try this…When you are glum, add a smile. It does not matter if it is a ‘fake’.You will notice an ‘ever so slight’ shift. Go with that shift and see if it becomes easier to relocate your thinking to a more positive outlook.  It does work. All you need is the curiosity and open mind to embody that smile.

Happy New Year!!!

© 2017 Katharine Gilpin

In my Creative Healing and SoundBody™ Therapy practice I guide you to find and maintain balance in body, mind and spirit. Let me help you live your best, most vibrant and expressive life. Call me at 508.947.5348 to find out what that looks like.