‘BRAVO! Living’ Lessons: Breathe…

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‘BRAVO! Living’ Lessons


What is happening when you cannot breathe in fully? When ‘catching’ a deep, relaxed breath seems virtually impossible? You may repeatedly try to force a yawn to short circuit this pattern, but that does not ‘do the trick’.

This is more common than you may think. You are not alone. I have been there. What is going on? Why is this happening? Literally you are experiencing a physical response to your resistance to ‘drinking in’ life. It is not a conscious thought. It is below the surface; expressing itself in a way the body knows how to get your attention.

What will ‘do the trick?’ Here are two tips for you to practice that will put you on the path to healing this pattern.

Physical Exercise: Place a hand lightly over your sternum (breast bone) and think the word “soft”.
Invite a smile to join the party. Practice this as often as you wish.

Mindful Mantra: “I naturally and easefully breathe in the beauty of life.”
It is crucial that you ‘feel it and believe it’ as you speak it. Again, invite a smile.


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