New Beginnings – An Inside Job

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New Year’s Day naturally marks the beginning of a new cycle. January is the first full winter month, the month when, here in the northeast, the days are at their shortest. But we can take solace in knowing the daylight hours have just begun to increase. Due to the tilt of the earth’s axis, the winter sun is closest to the earth, yet is lower in the sky than any other season, and shadows cast their longest beam. In New England we experience contracting cold, slippery ice and sparkling snow.

We seek to cozy up indoors by the fireside to heat up and enjoy the colorful, dancing flames. We carefully plan and prepare to ‘brave the elements’ as we bundle up and eat hearty foods to sustain and replenish us for all the extra energy we expend to survive this harsh season.  This is a perfect time to ‘go within’, to plan ahead and dream, design and strategize spring projects. The practice of setting your New Year’s resolutions is ‘all the go’.

I liken this new beginning, this intrinsic ‘starting point’, to the first month in your mother’s womb. You are beginning to develop; your future life in the ‘outside world’ depends highly upon how well you develop and grow in this beginning place and time. It is not a time of taking action, but of relative stillness and receptivity. Your body will do what it is designed to do, while in the ultimate protection of your mother. All is a swirl ‘outside’ as you naturally tend to being ‘within’.

As a healer/SoundBody therapist, I believe this month also mirrors the perfect ‘environment’ for doing inner spiritual work, healing and self-evaluation. It is a time to be relatively still, gently explore within and receive support as you let go and step into the lengthening shadows; a time to spend in your deep, dark, holding recesses. Simply ‘let go’; be – feel – listen. I can help support and encourage you in your development and growth while easing your pain.

This is an ideal space and time to tap into your creativity and resources and unearth inspiration. I caution you not to hastily jump into action, but to resolve from that place within, your seed core. As you become receptive to your small, inner voice you can begin to dream and plan how to best move forward.


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