Standing Ovation Vibration!

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Applauding CrowdWhat exactly is a Standing Ovation Vibration?
And why would I want to dwell in the state?

Imagine living in a state of appreciation, heightened awareness, gratitude, service, power, connection, compassion, fulfilled dreams, rich and rewarding activity, inexhaustible energy, vibrancy, limitless resources, effectiveness, clear focus, passion, expansiveness, leadership, rejuvenation, success, inspired expression, ease, balance, creativity, joy, wonder…

If you’ve ever given or received a standing ovation, you know the feeling.
If you’ve never given or received a standing ovation, would you like to find out how that feels?

The first step is yours to take, whenever you are ready.
You are in charge of what you feel – that’s the access point to your power.

Try this:

  • Close your eyes.
  • Call to mind someone or someplace or something that brings you absolute joy.
  • Now, while in that state of mind; smile… and breathe naturally through that smile.

How do you feel? Did your ‘mood’ shift? Are you more relaxed, aware?
This is just the beginning. What is your experience of this vibration?


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