Have You Ever Wondered…?

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headache-pixabayHave you ever wondered why your stomach starts to ache after an argument with your spouse?

Have you ever wondered why being stuck in stand-still traffic for two hours gives you a splitting headache?

Have you ever wondered why tension builds in your shoulders and moves up your neck after a ‘bad’ day at work?

Or why, after getting though an arduous months-long ordeal, you suddenly come down with a ‘killer’ cold?


These are but a few examples of your body’s innate wisdom ‘kicking in’ and ‘speaking out’ to give you important messages. “I can’t stomach this anymore.” “This is too much.” “I am shouldering more than I care to handle.”  “Thank God this is over, now I can finally let down my guard and rest.”

You do not live in a vacuum; life does not work that way. As a matter of fact, your body is the ‘dividing line’ between you and everything else. Its job is to protect, connect and inform; ever vigilant to let you know how circumstances that ‘bombard’ you affect your well-being.

Your body is designed to automatically contract when it is literally best for you to stop what you’re doing. You may first notice you are holding your breath. That, in and of itself, is an automatic ‘fight or flight’ warning that warrants your attention. “Stop, evaluate, and decide a course of action.”

Bottom line: you need to pay attention to the messages your body gives you, they are important. We live in an extremely stressful, at times disconnected, and fast-paced society. Remember: your first line of connection or defense is your body. Give notice to its responses. “Approach and receive.”   “Stand guard or flee.”

When you allow yourself the time and space to pay attention and reflect upon how you feel, you become informed and free to focus on letting go of ‘bad vibrations’ and welcoming in ‘good vibrations’.

©2016 Katharine Gilpin



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