Your Constitution at Work

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I believe both the U.S. Constitution and each of our personal constitutions are reflections of one another; both are ‘designed’ to support our well-being, our welfare. When we recognize their parallels we can better ‘work with’ our constitutions as our constitutions work for us.

The Constitution of the United States opens,  “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a ...

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Little Life Lesson

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When I feel downtrodden, deflated – fast losing hope
I give myself the space and time to decry and mope.

Wallowing there awhile, just long enough
I remind myself I am made of tough stuff.

Though the world around me may feel ‘a swirl’
I remain, as always, the center of my personal twirl.

By calling to mind to appreciate a loved one dear
You can move your mood, the air to clear.

Take the time – to your wounds, apply this salve
In ...

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Have You Ever Wondered…?

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headache-pixabayHave you ever wondered why your stomach starts to ache after an argument with your spouse?

Have you ever wondered why being stuck in stand-still traffic for two hours gives you a splitting headache?

Have you ever wondered why tension builds in your shoulders and moves up your neck after a ‘bad’ day at work?

Or why, after getting though an arduous months-long ...

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Getting Better All The Time

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The Beatles sang about it in their 1967 release of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.
How do you actually live life ‘getting better all the time’?  I believe Louise Hay says it exquisitely and succinctly, “The only thing you ever have control of is your current thought.”

Your thoughts rule your behavior, literally mold and hold your body. As you believe, so you are.

How do you break free of a pattern that sets you on a mission of self-destruction?
Think ...

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